camiling dental mission

International Member

  • A candidate for INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP may be granted to any person, or institution, who has made significant international contributions in the field of Prosthodontics. The nomination for international membership shall be evaluated by the Committee of Membership, recommended by at least three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of the Executive Board qualified to vote and approved by the majority vote of the general membership present in a regular or special meeting.

Honorary Member

  • A candidate for HONORARY MEMBERSHIP may be granted to any person or institution who has made distinguished contributions in the field of Prosthodontics. The nomination for honorary member shall be evaluated by the Committee on Membership. The nomination shall then be sponsored by at least three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of the Executive Board entitled to vote and approved by the majority vote of the general membership present in a regular or special meeting.
  • The granting of honorary membership shall strictly be limited to one (1) annually.

Lifetime Member

Must have the following qualifications at the time of his/ her application:

  • Has been a regular member in good standing of the PPS; and
  • At least sixty (60) years old, or has been a member in good standing of the PPS for at least twenty (20) consecutive years;
  • Past presidents who are active ( participating/ supporting PPS ) at least 10 years following his/ her term.

The application shall be evaluated by the Committee on Membership.

After a due evaluation of the application, the Committee on Membership shall recommend to the Executive Board the application for approval.

A Lifetime Member is exempt from paying the Annual Membership dues.

Will be paying the 20% welfare and trust fund fee of the Annual Membership dues.

Diplomate Specialist

Must have the following qualifications at the time of his/ her application

  • A Filipino citizen
  • A licensed dentist and a member of the Philippine Dental Association in good standing;
  • Has exhibited professional leadership for innovation, research and/ or development management in Prosthodontics or other multidisciplinary field of Dentistry
  • A Has a limited practice in Prosthodontics;
  • Has been an active Fellow Specialist in good standing for five (5) years, and thereafter has applied for Diplomate Specialist;
  • Has performed and documented five (5) Prosthodontic cases in Removable Partial Dentures (RPD),Fixed Partial Dentures (FPD), and conventional Complete Dentures (CD);
  • Has taken a written, oral (clinical case presentation), and practical examinations before the examining Philippine Board of Prosthodontics (PBOP);
  • Conducted lectures in at least two (2) PPS sponsored meetings or scientific programs during his/her Fellow Specialist membership;
  • Has at least one (1) published research paper/ scientific article in Prosthodontic printed in a duly recognized journal locally or internationally. A copy of which must be submitted to the PBOP;
  • Has successfully completed local or international residency program in Prosthodontics recognized by the PBOP. A proof of completion of the said program should be submitted to the PBOP. The international training program shall be, however, considered and given credit at the discretion of the PBOP, after its assessment and evaluation of all the relevant documents pertaining to the scope, location, and duration of the training program;
  • Has participated in the biennial convention and at least fifty percent (50%) of all the general membership meetings and other activities of the PPS;
  • Has paid all the appropriate annual dues and obligations to the PPS; and
  • Has submitted such other documentary requirements as the PBOP may reasonably require.

Fellow Specialist

Must have the following qualifications at the time of his/ her application:

  • A Filipino citizen
  • A licensed dentist and a member of the Philippine Dental Association in good standing;
  • Has been engaged in the practice of Dentistry for at least two (2) years prior to his/her application;
  • At least seventy percent (70%) of his/her practice is in Prosthodontics;
  • Has performed and documented five (5) Prosthodontic cases in Fixed Partial Denture(FPD), Removable Partial Denture (RPD), and conventional Complete Denture (CD);
  • Has taken a written, oral (clinical case presentation), and practical examinations before the examining PBOP;
  • Has conducted lectures in at least two (2) PPS sponsored meetings or scientific programs during his/her regular membership;
  • Has at least one (1) published research paper/ scientific article in Prosthodontic printed in a duly recognized journal locally or internationally. A proof of publication and a copy of which must be submitted to the PBOP;
  • Has successfully completed local or international residency program in Prosthodontics recognized by the PBOP. A proof of completion of the said program should be submitted to the PBOP. The international training program shall be, however, considered and given credit at the discretion of the PBOP, after its assessment and evaluation of all the relevant documents pertaining to the scope, location, and duration of the training program;
  • Has participated in the PPS biennial convention and at least fifty percent (50%) of all the general membership meetings and other activities of the PPS;
  • Has paid all the appropriate annual dues and obligations to the PPS; and
  • Has submitted such other documentary requirements as the PBOP may reasonably require.

Regular Member

Must have the following qualifications at the time of his/ her application:

  • A Filipino citizen
  • A licensed dentist and a member of the Philippine Dental Association in good standing;
  • Has been engaged in the practice of Dentistry for at least three (3) years prior to his/her application;
  • Has been inducted as an Associate Member of the PPS; and
  • Has complied with other requirements stated on the Guidelines as prescribed by the PPS Committee on Membership in the Elevation of Membership as approved by the Executive Board
  • Has paid all the appropriate annual dues and obligations to PPS.

Those who have a full time post-graduate training of at least six (6) months in the field of Prosthodontics from a local or foreign institution, and have engaged in practice for at least three (3) years after such training may also apply as a regular member.

Associate Member

Must have the following qualifications at the time of his/ her application:

  • A Filipino citizen
  • A licensed dentist and a member of the Philippine Dental Association in good standing;
  • Has been engaged in the practice of Dentistry for at least two (2) years prior to his/her application;
  • Has completed the required seminars namely the Fixed Partial Denture(FPD), Removable Partial Denture (RPD), and conventional Complete Denture (CD), and Implant Prosthetic Dentistry as conducted by the PPS within a four (4) year period. No two (2) same seminars shall be counted twice for purposes of fulfilling the required number of seminars;

Has completed required seminars may be through a regular seminar or an online platform conducted by the PPS as approved by the Board to be part of the requirement.

  • Has submitted a letter of intent to the Committee on Membership;
  • Has attended the Dr. Enrico Belen Memorial lecture and has formally taken the oath of membership;
  • Has been inducted within (3) years after the completion of the required seminar attendance; and
  • Has presented a Certificate of Attendance duly authenticated by the Committee on Membership.

Those who have at least five (5) years continuous teaching experience in the field of Prosthodontics in any Dental College and have served the PPS as a lecturer and facilitator may also apply as associate member. The applicant must submit to the Committee on Membership a letter of intent and a Certification of Teaching Prosthodontics from the Dean of the Dental College from which he/she is teaching.